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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Tim Berners-Lee, CERN
Internet Draft
Expires 14 January 1994 14 July 1993
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
A Stateless Search, Retrieve and Manipulation Protocol
Status of this memo
This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working
documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
working documents as Internet Drafts.
Internet Drafts are working documents valid for a maximum of six
months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by
other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet
Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a
"working draft" or "work in progress".
This document is a DRAFT specification of a protocol in use on the
internet and to be proposed as an Internet standard. Discussion
of this protocol takes place on the www-talk@info.cern.ch mailing
list -- to subscribe mail to www-talk-request@info.cern.ch.
Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
HTTP is a protocol with the lightness and speed necessary for a
distributed collaborative hypermedia information system. It is a
generic stateless object-oriented protocol, which may be used for
many similar tasks such as name servers, and distributed
object-oriented systems, by extending the commands, or "methods",
used. A feature if HTTP is the negotiation of data representation,
allowing systems to be built independently of the development of
new advanced representations.
Note: This specification
This HTTP protocol is an upgrade on the original protocol as
implemented in the earliest WWW releases. It is back-compatible
with that more limited protocol.
This specification includes the following parts:
The Request
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
A list of headers in the request message
Status codes
A list of headers on any object transmitted
Format negotiation algorithm
The HTTP Registration Authority
The following notes form recommended practice not part of the
Servers tolerating clients
Clients tolerating servers
When many sources of networked information are available to a
reader, and when a discipline of reference between different
sources exists, it is possible to rapidly follow references
between units of information which are provided at different remote
locations. As response times should ideally be of the order of
100ms in, for example, a hypertext jump, this requires a fast,
stateless, information retrieval protocol.
Practical information systems require more functionality than
simple retrieval, including search, front-end update and
annotation. This protocol allows an open-ended set of methods to be
used. It builds on the discipline of reference provided by the
Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as a name (URN, RFCxxxx) or
address (URL, RFCxxxx) allows the object of the method to be
Reference is made to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME, RFC1341) which are used to allow objects to be transmitted
in an open variety of representations.
Overall operation
On the internet, the communication takes place over a TCP/IP
connection. This does not preclude this protocol being implemented
over any other protocol on the internet or other networks. In
these cases, the mapping of the HTTP request and response
structures onto the transport data units of the protocol in
question is outside the scope of this specification. It should not
however be at all complicated.
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
The protocol is basically stateless, a transaction consisting of
Connection The establishment of a connection by the
client to the server - when using TCP/IP
port 80 is the well-known port;
Request The sending, by the client, of a request
message to the server;
Response The sending, by the server, of a response to
the client;
Close The closing of the connection by either both
The format of the request and response parts is defined in this
specification. Whilst header information defined in this
specification is sent in ISO Latin-1 character set in CRLF
terminated lines, object transmission in binary is possible.
Character sets
In all cases in HTTP where RFC822 characters are allowed, these may
be extended to use the full ISO Latin 1 character set. 8-bit
transmission is always used.
The request is sent with a first line containing the method to be
applied to the object requested, the identifier of the object, and
the protocol version in use, followed by further information
encoded in the RFC822 header style. The format of the request is:
Request = SimpleRequest | FullRequest
SimpleRequest = GET URI CrLf
FullRequest = Method UR ProtocolVersion CrLf
[*<HTRQ Header>]
[<CrLf> <data>]
<Method> = <InitialAlpha>
ProtocolVersion = HTTP/V1.0
URI = <as defined in URL spec>
<HTRQ Header> = <Fieldname> : <Value> <CrLf>
<data> = MIME-conforming-message
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
The UR is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) as defined in the
specification, or may be (when it is defined) a Uniform Resource
Name (URN) when a specification for this is settled, for servers
which support URN resolution.
Unless the server is being used as a gateway, a partial URL should
be given with the assuptions of the protocol (HTTP:) and server
(the server) being obvious.
Note. The rest of an HTTP url after the host name and optional port
number is completely opaque to the client: The client may make no
deductions about the object from its URL.
Protocol Version
The Protocol/Version field defines the format of the rest of the
request.. At the moment only HTRQ is defined .
If the protocol version is not specified, the server assumes that
the browser uses HTTP version 0.9.
Uniform Resource Identifier
This is a string identifying the object. It contains no blanks. It
may be a Uniform Resource Locator [ URL ] defining the address of
an object as described in RFCxxxx, or it may be a representation of
the name of an object (URN, Universal Resource Name) where that
object has been registered in some name space. At the time of
writing, no suitable naming system exists, but this protocol will
accept such names so long as they are distinguishable from the
existing URL name spaces.
Method field indicates the method to be performed on the object
identified by the URL. More details are with the list of method
names below .
Request Headers
These are RFC822 format headers with special field names given in
the list below , as well as any other HTTP object headers or MIME
The data (if any) sent with an HTTP request is in a format and
encoding defined by the object header fields, the default being
"plain/text" type with "8bit" encoding. Note that while all the
other information in the request (just as in the reply) is in ISO
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
Latin1 with lines delimited by Carriage Return/Line Feed pairs, the
data may contain 8-bit binary data.
The delimiting of the message is determined by the Content-Length:
field. If this is present, then the message contains the specified
number of bytes. If it is not specified, then the message must be
terminated by a
CrLF . CrLf
sequence. This sequence may not be followed by any other data.
(Note: This allows the receiver to check only the end part of each
received buffer for the start of the termination sequence). Any
occurence of the sequence
CrLf .
within the data itself is converted to
CrLF . .
on transmission and converted back on reception.
This section on termination only applies to data sent with the
request. It is not required for data in the reply, when connection
closure by the server is used to indicate the end of the data.
See also: note on server tolerance for back-compatibility, etc.
Method field indicates the method to be performed on the object
identified by the URL. The methods GET and HEAD below are always
supported, The list of other methods acceptable by the object are
returned in response to either of these two requests.
This list may be extended from time to time by a process of
registration with the design authority. Method names are case
sensitive. Currently specified methods are as follows:
GET means retrieve whatever data is identified
by the URI, so where the URI refers to a
data-producing process, or a script which can
be run by such a process, it is this data
which will be returned, and not the source
text of the script or process. Also used for
searches .
HEAD is the same as GET but returns only HTTP
headers and no document body.
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CHECKOUT Similar to GET but locks the object against
update by other people. The lock may be
broken by a higher authority or on timeout:
in this case a future CHECKIN will fail.
SHOWMETHOD Returns a description (perhaps a form) for a
given method when applied to the given
object. The method name is specified in a
For-Method: field. (TBS)
PUT specifies that the data in the body section
is to be stored under the supplied URL. The
URL must already exist. The new contenst of
the document are the data part of the
request. POST and REPLY should be used for
creating new documents.
POST Creates a new object linked to the specified
object. The message-id field of the new
object may be set by the client or else will
be given by the server. A URL will be
allocated by the server and returned to the
client. The new document is the data part of
the request. It is considered to be
subordinate to the specified object, in the
way that a file is subordinate to a directory
containing it, or a news article is
subordinate to a newsgroup to which it is
REPLY The same as post, except that the new object
is considered to be on an equal footing to
the specified object.
CHECKIN Similar to PUT, but releases the lock set on
the object. Fails if no lock has been set by
TEXTSEARCH The object may be queried with a text
string. The search form of the GET method is
used to query the object.
SPACEJUMP The object will accept a query whose terms
are the cooridnates of a point within the
object. The method is implemented using GET
with a derived URL .
(Some of these methods require more detailed specification)
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A representation of the object is transferred to the client.
Some URIs refer to specific variants of an object, and some refer
to objects with many variants. In the latter case, the
representations, encodings, and languages acceptable may be
specified in the header request fields, and may affect the
particular value which is returned.
Other possible replies allow a set of URIs to be returned to the
client, who may use them to retrieve the object. This allows name
servers to be implemented using HTTP, and also forwarding address
to be given when objects have been moved.
When an object can support more operations than are defined in this
specification, SHOWMETHOD allows a client to understand the
interface to that operation sufficiently to allow the user to
perform it interactively.
Required parameter field
For-Method: This filed contains only the method name
about which the client is inquiring.
The methodname spacified in the For-Method field must have been
previously issued in a "Allowed:" field returned with the given
The client should specify an Accept: field which includes at least
one form langauge it it wants to be able to interpret the result.
SHOWMETHOD returns, if possible, a form in a representation
acceptable to the client. This form will contain instructions for
ordering the operation, and fields for the parameters.
This method is similar to the TEXTSEARCH method, but instead of the
search criterion being a text string, it is a set of coordinates
defining a point within the image. The semantics of the operation
are not defined here. Typically, the user clicks on a point within
the image with a mouse or other pointing device.
Two or more coordinates are supplied, in the order x, y z, t. All
coordinates are scaled so that 0 represents the bottom left hand
point and 1.0 represents the top right hand point.
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The z access direction follows the normal right-hand rule, that is
extends toward the viewer when the x and y axes are flat as in the
normal two-dimensional representation.
In the case of a time-occupying object, 0 represents the starting
instance, and 1.0 represents the finishing instant.
The method is implemented using GET with a derived URL .
This is a simple form of search. The text is assumed to derive from
the requesting user, and is in no special format.
The exact algorithm to be applied is not defined in this
specification, but techniques such as vocabulary proximity matching
between the request data portion and the contents or titles of
documents, keyword matching, stemming, and the use of a thesaurus
are quite appropriate.
Whilst this method name is given as a flag to specify that the
function is available, the search form of the GET method is in fact
used to query the object.
HTTP Request fields
These header lines are sent by the client in a HTTP protocol
transaction. All lines are RFC822 format headers. The list of
headers is terminated by an empty line.
In Internet mail format, this gives the name of the requesting
user. This field may be used for logging purposes and an insecure
form of access protection. The interpretation of this field is
that the request is being performed on behalf of the person given,
who accepts responsability for the method performed.
The Internet mail address in this field does not have to correspond
to the internet host which issued the request. (For example, when a
request is passed through a gateway, then the original issuer's
address should be used).
The mail address should, if possible, be a valid mail address,
whether or not it is in fact an internet mail address or the
internet mail representation of an address on some other mail
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This field contains a comma-separated list of representation
schemes (MIME compatible Content-Type values) which will be
accepted in the response to this request.
The set given may of course vary from request to request from the
same user.
This field may be wrapped onto several lines according to RCFC822,
and also more than one occurence of the field is allowed with the
signifiance being the same as if all the entries has been in one
field. The format of each entry in the list is (/ meaning "or")
<field> = Accept: <entry> *[ ; <entry> ]
<entry> = <content type> *[ , <param> ]
<param> = <attr> = <float>
<attr> = q / mxs / mxb
<float> = <ANSI-C floating point text represntation>
See the appendix on the negotiation algorithm as a function and
penalty model.
If no Accept: field is present, then it is assumed that text/plain
and text/html are accepted.
Accept: text/plain; text/html
Accept: text/x-dvi, q=.8, mxb=100000, mxt=5.0; text/x-
Similar to Accept, but lists the Content-Encoding types which are
acceptable in the response.
<field> = Accept-Encoding: <entry> *[ , <entry> ]
<entry> = <content transfer encoding> *[ , <param> ]
Accept-Encoding: x-compress; x-zip
Similar to Accept, but lists the Language values which are
preferable in the response. A response in an unspecifies language
is not illegal. See also: Language.
Language coding TBS. (ISO standard xxxx)
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This line if present gives the software program used by the
original client. This is for statistical purposes and the tracing
of protocol violations. It should be included. The first white
space delimited word must be the software product name, with an
optional slash and version designator. Other products which form
part of the user agent may be put as separate words.
<field> = User-Agent: <product>+
<product> = <word> [/<version>]
<version> = <word>
UserAgent: LII-Cello/1.0 libwww/2.5
This optional header field allows the client to specify, for the
server's benefit, the address ( URI ) of the document (or element
within the document) from which the URI in the request was
This allows a server to generate lists of back-links to documents,
for interest, logging, etc. It allows bad links to be traced for
If a partial URI is given, then it should be parsed relative to the
URI of the object of the request.
Referer: http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/Over
This line is present contains authorization information. The format
is To Be Specified (TBS). The format of this field is in extensible
form. The first word is a specification of the authorisation system
in use.
Proposals have been as follows: (and see current one for
implementation by Ari)
User/Password scheme
Authorization: user fred:mypassword
The scheme name is "user". The second word is a user name
(typically derived from a USER environment variable or prompted
for), with an optional password separated by a colon (as in the URL
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
syntax for FTP). Without a password, this povides very low level
security. With the password, it provides a low-level security as
used by unmodified FTP, Telnet, etc.
Authorization: kerberos kerberosauthenticationsparam
The format of the kerberosauthenticationsparameters is to be
This line if present contains account information for the costs of
the application of the method requested. The format is TBS. The
format of this field must be in extensible form. The first word
starts with a specification of the namespace in which the account
is . (This is similar to extensible URL definition.) No namespaces
are currently defined. Namespaces will be registered with the
registration authority .
The format of the rest of the line is a function of the charging
system, but it is recommended that this include a maximum cost
whose payment is authorized by the client for this transaction, and
a cost unit.
Note: Server tolerance of bad clients
Whilst it is seen appropriate for testing parsers to check full
conformance to this specification, it is recommended that
operational parsers be tolerant of deviations.
In particular, lines should be regarded as terminated by the Line
Feed, and the preceeding Carriage Return character ignored.
Any HTTP Header Field Name which is not recognised should be
ignored in operational parsers.
It is recommended that servers use URIs free of "variant"
characters whose representation differs in some of the national
variant character sets, punctuation characters, and spaces. This
will make URIs easier to handle by humans when the need (such as
debugging, or transmission through non hypertext systems) arises.
The response from the server shall start with the following syntax
(See also: note on client tolerance ):
<status line> ::= <http version> <status code> <reason line>
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
<http version> ::= 3*<digit>
<status code> ::= 3*<digit>
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<reason line> ::= * <printable>
<http version> identifies the HyperText Transfer Protocol
version being used by the server. For the
version described by this document version it
is "HTTP/1.0" (without the quotes).
< status code > gives the coded results of the attempt to
understand and satisfy the request. A three
digit ASCII decimal number.
<reason string> gives an explanation for a human reader,
except where noted for particular status
Fields on the status line are delimited by a single blank (parsers
should accept any amount of white space). The possible values of
the status code are listed below .
Response headers
The headers on returned objects are RDC822 format headers with
special field names given below , as well as any MIME conforming
headers, notably the Content-Type field.
Response data
Additional information may follow, in the format of a MIME message
body. The significance of the data depends on the status code.
The Content-Type used for the data may be any Content-Type which
the client has expressed his ability to accept, or text/plain, or
text/html. That is, one can always assume that the client can
handle text/plain and text/html.
Status codes
The values of the numeric status code to HTTP requests are as
follows. The data sections of messages Error, Forward and
redirection responses may be used to contain human-readable
diagnostic information.
These codes indicate success. The body section if present is the
object returned by the request. It is a MIME format object. It is
in MIME format, and may only be in text/plain, text/html or one fo
the formats specified as acceptable in the request.
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
OK 200
The request was fulfilled.
Following a POST command, this indicates success, but the textual
part of the response line indicates the URI by which the newly
created document should be known.
The 4xx codes are intended for cases in which the client seems to
have erred, and the 5xx codes for the cases in which the server is
aware that the server has erred. It is impossible to distinguish
these cases in general, so the difference is only informational.
The body section may contain a document describing the error in
human readable form. The document is in MIME format, and may only
be in text/plain, text/html or one for the formats specified as
acceptable in the request.
Bad request 400
The request had bad syntax or was inherently impossible to be
Unauthorized 401
The parameter to this message gives a specification of
authorization schemes which are acceptable. The client should
retry the request with a suitable Authorization header.
PaymentRequired 402
The parameter to this message gives a specification of charging
schemes acceptable. The client may retry the request with a
suitable ChargeTo header.
Forbidden 403
The request is for something forbidden. Authorization will not
Not found 404
The server has not found anything matching the URL given
Internal Error 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
from fulfillingthe request.
Not implemented 501
The server does not support the facility required.
The codes in this section indicate action to be taken (normally
automatically) by the client in order to fulfill the request.
Moved 301
The data requested has been assigned a new URI, the change is
permanent. (N.B. this is an optimisation, which must,
pragmatically, be included in this definition. Browsers with link
editing capabiliy should automatically relink to the new reference,
where possible)
The response contains one or more header lines of the form
Location: <url> String CrLf
Which specify alternative addresses for the object in question.
The String is an optional comment field.
Found 302
The data requested actually resides under a different URL, however,
the redirection may be altered on occasion (when making links to
these kinds of document, the browser should default to using the
Udi of the redirection document, but have the option of linking to
the final document) as for "Forward".
The response format is the same as for Moved .
Method 303
Method: <method> <url>
Like the found response, this suggests that the client go try
another network address. In this case, a different method may be
used too, rather than GET.
The body-section contains the parameters to be used for the method.
This allows a document to be a pointer to a complex query
The body may be preceded by the following additional fields as
listed .
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
Object Headers
The header fields given with or in relation to objects in HTTP are
as follows. All are optional.
The order of header lines withing the HTTP header has no
significance. However, those fields which are not MIME fields
should occur before the MIME fields, so that the MIME fields and
following form a valid MIME document. This is not mandatory.
Any header fields which are not understood should be ignored.
(TBS in more detail)
Lists the set of requests which the requesting user is allowed to
issue for this URL. If this header line is omitted, the default
allowed methods are "GET HEAD"
Example of use:
As "Allow" but lists those requests which anyone may use. If
omitted, the default is "GET" only.
Example of use:
Implies that the body is binary and should be read directly from
the communications link, without parsing lines, etc. When the
data is part of the request, prevents the escaping and de-escaping
of the termination sequence.
@@@ This should be part of the MIME header, as it applies to any
binary encoded part. Note HTML is the first internet protocol to
allow MIME "binary" encoding. In MIME, the use of Content-Length is
currently allowed only for external messages.
As defined in MIME, except:
Extra non-MIME types
It is reasonable to put strict limits on transfer formats for mail,
where there is no guarantee that the receiver will understand a
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
weird format. However, in HTTP one knows that the receiver will be
able to receive it because it will have been sent in the Accept:
field. There is therefore a lot to be gained from a very complete
registry of well-defined types for HTTP which may nevertheless not
be recommended for mail. In this case, the content-type list for
HTTP may be a superset of the MIME list.
The x- convention for experimental types is of course still
available as well.
Type parameters
Parameters on the content type are extremely useful for describing
resolutions, colour depths, etc. They will allow a client to
specify in the Accept: field the resolution of its device. This
may allow the server to economise greatly on transmission time by
reducing the resultion of an image, for example.
These parameters are to be specified when types are registered..
@@ TBS.
Creation date of object. (or last modified, and separately have a
Created: field?) Format as in RFC850 but GMT MUST BE USED.
Gives the date after which the information given ceases to be valid
and should be retrieved again. This allows control of caching
mechanisms, and also allows for the periodic refreshing of displays
of volatile data. Format as for Date:. This does NOT imply that
the original object will cease to exist.
Last time object was modified, i.e. the date of this version if the
document is a "living document". Format as for Date:.
A unique identifier for the message. As in RFC850 , except that the
unlimited lifetime of HTTP objects requires that the Message-ID be
unique in all time, not just in two years.
A document may only have one Message-ID.
No two documents, even if different versions of the same live
document, may have the same Message-id.
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
This gives a URI with which the object may be found. There is no
guarantee that the object can be retrieved using the URI specified.
However, it is guaranteed that if an object is successfully
retrieved using that uri it will be the same unmodified object as
this one.
Multiple occurencies of this field give alternative access names or
addresses for the live document.
This gives a URI with which the most recent version of an object,
may be found. There is no guarantee that the object can be
retrieved using the URI specified. However, it is guaranteed that
if an object is successfully retrieved using that uri that it will
be the same object or a more recent version of the same object.
Multiple occurencies of this field give alternatives which should
refer to the same live object.
The language code is the ISO code for the language in which the
document is written. If the language is not known, this field
should be omitted of course .
The language code is an ISO 3316 language code with an optional
ISO639 country code to specify a national variant.
Language: en_UK
means that the content of the message is in British English, while
Language: en
means that the language is English in one of its forms. (@@ If a
document is in moe than one language, for example requires both
Greek Latin and French to be understood, should this be
See also: Accept-Language.
The cost of retrieving the object is given. This is the cost of
access of a copyright work. Format of units to be specified.
Currently refers to an unspecified charging scheme to be agreed out
of band between parties.
Note: Client tolerance of bad servers
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
Servers not implementing the specification as written are not HTTP
compiant. Servers should always be made completely copmpliant.
However, clients should also tolerate deviant servers where
In order that clients using the HTTP protocol should be able to
communicate with servers using the protocol originally implemented
in the W3 data model, clients should tolerate responses which do
not start with a numeric version number and response codes.
In this case, they should assume that the rest of the response is a
document body in type text/html.
Clients should be tolerant in parsing response status lines, in
particular they should accept any sequence of white space (SP and
TAB) characters between fields.
Lines should be regarded as terminated by the Line Feed, and the
preceeding Carriage Return character ignored.
This note defines the significance of the q, mxb and mxs values
optionally sent in the Accept: field of the HTTP protocol request
It is assumed that there is a certain value of the presentation of
the document, optimally rendered using all the information
available in its original source.
It is further assumed that one can allocate a number between 0 and
1 to represent the loss of value which occurs when a document is
rendered into a representation with loss of information. Whilst
this is a very subjective measurement, and in fact largely a
function of the document in question, the approximation is made
that one can define this "degradation" figure as a function of
merely the representation involved.
The next assumption is that the other cost to the user of viewing
the document is a function of the time taken for presentation. We
first assume that the cost is linear in time, and then assume that
the time is linear in the size of the message.
The final net value to the user can therefore be written
presented_value = initial_value * total-degradation - a - b *
for a document in a given incoming representation. Suppose we
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RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
normalize the initial value of the document to be 1. The server
may judge that the value in a particular format is less than 1 is a
conversion on the server side has lost information. The total
degradation is then the product of any degradation due to
conversions internal to the server, and the degradation "q" sent in
the Accept field. If q is not sent, it defaults to 1.
The values of a and b have components from processing time on the
server, network delays, and processing time on the client. These
delays are not additive as a good system will pipeline the
processing, and whilst the result may be linear in message size,
calculation of it in advance is not simple. The amount of
pipelining and the loads on machines and network are all difficult
to predict, so a very rough assumption must be made.
We make the client responsible for taking into account network
delays. The client will in fact be in a better position to do this,
as the client will after one transaction be aware of the round-trip
We assume that the delays imposed by the server and by the client
(including network) are additive. We assume that the client's
delay is proportional to message size.
The three parameters given by the client to the server are
q The degradation (quality) factor between 0
and 1. If omitted, 1 is assumed.
mxb The size of message (in bytes) which even if
immediately available from the server will
cause the value to the reader to become zero
mxs The delay (in seconds) which, even for a very
small message with no length-related penalty,
will cause the value to the reader to become
These parameters are chosen in part because they are easy to
visualize as the largest tolerable delay and size. If not sent,
they default to infinity.
The server may optimize the presented value for the user when
deciding what to return. The hope is that fine decisions will not
have to be made, as in most cases the results for different formats
will be very different, and there will be a clear winner.
A suitable algorithm is that the assumed value v of a document of
initial value u delivered to the network after a delay t whose
transfer length on the net is b bytes is
v = u * q - b/mxb - t/mxs
T. Berners-Lee 19
RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
Note that t is the time from the arrival of the request to the
first byte being available on the net. [[See also: Design issues
discussions around this point.]]
Note: The cost of retrieval time
The assumption that the cost to the user associated with a certain
retrieval time is linear in that time is wildly innaccurate. The
real function could be very dependent on circumstances (like go to
infinity at a deadline).
A better general approximation might be logarithmic for large time
delays, and linear for small ones, like a*log(b*t-1) which has two
The HTTP Registration Authority is responsible for maintaining
lists of:
Charge account name spaces (see ChargeTo: field above)
Authorization schemes (see Authorization: field above)
Data format names (as MIME Content-Types)
Data encoding names (as MIME Content-Encoding))
It is proposed that the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority or
their successors take this role.
Unregistered values may be used for experimental purposes if they
are start with "X-".
RFC 822 "Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages".
David H. Crocker, describes Internet mail
message fromat.
RFC850 "Standard for Interchange of USENET
Messages" This RFC uses some field names in
common with this specification, and is
relevant reading.
RFC977 "Network News Transfer Protocol", Kantor and
RFC 1341 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME), Nathaniel Borenstien and Ned Freed,
Internet RFC 1341, 1992.
T. Berners-Lee 20
RFC XXXX Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 14 July 1993
URL Universal Resource Locators. RFCxxx.
Currently available by anonymous FTP from
info.cern.ch as /pub/ietf/url3.{ps,txt}.
MIME and PEM Internet Draft only
T. Berners-Lee 21